We have some new things happening in our world: A daughter getting engaged, a son and daughter-in-law giving us another grandchild. Exciting things to come in 2019. And we’re not even half-way through 2018!
While my husband continues to build his business, I am still attempting to get some traction with mine. In creating this website and product catalog, I realized that I make a LOT of different soap. Nearly THREE DOZEN different scents! And while I adore making bar soap, I have also come to love creating lotions and creams, probably because this senior skin needs some softening up.
Another area in which I will be branching out is the bath bomb arena. Who knew that bath bombs could be so fun? The colors, the fizz, the scent, the silky feel of the oils in the water! To this achy body at least, a bathtub treat is the perfect addition to end the workday, even to the semi-retired! 😉
You all have a blessed day – get clean!