If I let myself get too distracted by all that I think I need to do, I sometimes talk myself out of getting started. You know, “If I can’t get this task finished today, why even start. I’ll try again tomorrow.” I suppose the most difficult thing about being self-employed is staying motivated or disciplined about time management.
I’ve just come off of a lovely weekend where I met with other soapers and bath and body product creators, and it is always so inspiring and uplifting to see them. We become fast friends because we love our craft and get so much enjoyment from sharing ideas.
One of the best things that happened this past weekend was meeting two lovely ladies from New Braunfels Candle Company! If you are in the New Braunfels area, please check them out – they are one of Taylor SoapWorks’ new wholesale customers! So exciting!
So now that I’m all re-motivated to continue these aromatic creations, I’ll get back to work! I hope to hear from you; I hope you’re having a wonderful summer and I’m praying that we all have air conditioners that can stay ahead of the summer heat!
Because I’m so excited to begin creating again, I’ve put a new coupon out there. Use coupon code hot20 to get 20% off your cart total of regularly priced items.